Why "writhe with the mass" anyway?
- Get your very own space in the Depot!
- Share your digital furniture items!
- Have a brief one-way conversation with NWFD visitors!
How it works
- Prepare a critter: Create an image of this character, a furniture item they would like to give away, and one line of dialogue. Tip: images that are taller than they are wide will be most compatible with the website layout, but we can make it work either way!
- Submit through the guestbook linked below: Your submission will not appear publicly in the guestbook, but will be visible to NWFD admin. Your critter will be admitted to the atrium as soon as possible. Use the template below to make sure you have all the necessary components to submit!
- Note: You will be given proper credit by name and link in the atrium, as well as a link in the city.
Submission Template
Character Name: ex. Jeeves
Creator Name: ex. NWFD Admin
Creator Link: ex. nwfd.neocities.org
Dialogue: ex. "Oh hello. This? No, you can't take it. It's reserved for someone in particular, if they'll have it...but I suppose if you promise to give it to them when you see them... You would do that for me?"
Character Image Link: (I recommend using Catbox to host images)
Item Image Link:
Notes (optional): ex. Admin could you add a comment to the code next to my critter that says "Jeeves rules"? Could you add this link to my character image?